Sustainability Policy
Pulse will continue to concentrate on key areas that give rise to significant sustainability
possibilities where Pulse has the ability to control or influence these for the better.
While these areas are our core focus, we remain open to feedback to ensure that we are
focused on the right priorities. Our sustainability targets have been directly aligned to our
core business objectives. The central tenets of this policy are:
Recognising that we have responsibilities to both limit damage and to enhance the
environment, our managers are given the responsibility of integrating best environmental
practice into everyday business processes.
We aim to minimise harmful effects upon the environment and where possible use
sustainable resources to seek environmental improvements, concentrating on where there is
most room for improvement. This will be done by complying with environmental management standard ISO 14001:2015.
We will conduct our business to ensure that developments realise commercial returns in an
environmentally responsible and suitable matter.
Pulse will review the areas that affect our ability to meet our policy, these will include
reduction in our power consumption by 3%, waste water usage by 2% and the environmental
impacts that we can have on our local community.